"10 Things Never to Say
During a New Patient Phone Call"

A complimentary colleague appreciation webinar
by Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent

"10 Things
Never to Say
During a New
​​​​​​​Patient Call"

A complimentary colleague appreciation webinar
by Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent

Dr. Tom "The Gems Guy" Orent
Improve your prospective new patient on phone to actual New Patient Appointment CLOSE RATIO by just 10% and you could add 50 to 100 EXTRA NEW PATIENTS per year... and SIX FIGURES REVENUE (x 2 or more)!
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Thursday , January 17
8:30 PM Eastern Time

During this Program You’ll DISCOVER  

The TWO WORDS regarding dental insurance that will all but guarantee your prospective caller says thanks but no thanks and hangs up the phone without an appointment. These two words are an automatic trigger for the new patient you just lost, to call the next doc down the Google page
The “RULE OF LAW!” One of the most common errors committed by dental team members during the prospective new patient phone call is the SAME ERROR that lands many a defendant behind bars. It’s simple to avoid… when you know what not to say.
Why this simple (quite common) request of your prospective new patient should NEVER BE MADE of your prospective new patient unless you don’t ever want the chance to actually see this person as a patient in your practice. (This common error is a DINOSAUR and needs to be laid to rest for once and for all)
The one subject even more taboo than religion or politics… the THIRD RAIL of new patient phone calls that should never be mentioned by your team members during the prospective new patient phone call.
The irony is that it’s fine to discuss… but only if the patient brings it up first. Otherwise I’ll GUARANTEE you are killing your “CLOSE RATIO” and reducing the number of new patients in your practice.
A question I’m sure you’re not asking (okay, I’m praying you’re not asking) and yet… some offices still ask… causing the caller to (rightfully) feel uneasy about the conversation (and your practice).
Doing the wrong thing while trying to do the right thing! Learn the one thing your dental team is doing on the phone which we were TAUGHT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO… yet is costing you at least a handful of lost patients every month and TENS OF THOUSANDS of LOST REVENUE year in and year out.
Why you MUST CEASE ASKING this question commonly asked by 95% of dental practice yet causes an immediate NEGATIVE EMOTIONAL REACTION in the caller and significantly reduces her chances of scheduling an appointment.
The nice lady is calling ‘cause she’s considering becoming a new patient in your practice NOT an employee! Don’t make it sound like she’s gonna have to WORK there! Funny thing is that this is another DINOSAUR we need to put to bed. Another DRAGON to SLAY. 90% of practices do this and don’t even realize how off-putting it sounds to the patients.
The one thing that inadvertently happens during many calls to your practice, which, if happens during the new patient call… can KILL your chances of scheduling the patient. You’ll discover a lesson I learned from the 911 dispatcher at the Burlington, Vermont Fire Department… a trick I used in my practices to ensure this error never happened again.
The irony is that using this particular technology in a tech world is costing you far more than the monthly payment… it’s costing you the LOSS of prospective new patients. During this program you will learn a brain-dead simple way to solve this technology snafu (that will not only increase your new patient flow but decrease your monthly expenses!)
Thursday , January 17
   8:30 PM Eastern Time
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Looking forward to having you with us!
Dr. Tom "The Gems Guy" Orent

Remember... you're just one gem away!